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At Admiral Long CE Primary School, teachers deliver a mastery curriculum whilst nurturing our children's enthusiasm for maths. 

We place great focus upon pupils’ ability to calculate mentally, develop efficient practical and written methods of calculation and solve a range of mathematical problems. Our key aim is to equip children with the ability to apply their mathematical understanding to the world around them.

Teachers follow a long term plan which collates planning from the White Rose Maths Hub and the NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics). Teachers place great emphasis upon developing a greater understanding of the mathematical concepts by providing daily opportunities for reasoning and problem solving; using Gareth Metcalfe's 'ISee Reasoning' resources and NRich. 

Each lesson begins with a focus upon fluency of number facts. This is followed by guided practice of the main objective using a CPA approach. We believe that children learn new concepts best via concrete resources, moving onto the pictorial, and finally working in the abstract; exploring problems solving and application of concepts. Children are then given time to work independently with the aim of developing confidence in their abilities. Challenges are carefully planned into every lesson, providing opportunities to develop a greater depth of understanding. 

Home learning in maths is set online weekly by their class teacher. KS1 use 'Numbots', whilst KS2 develop their recall of the times tables via 'TT Rockstars'.  The children will be given a username and password to access the learning platforms. The children's achievements are always celebrated in class! 

Alongside their digital learning, children are given a new Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) each half term. Pupils are expected to regularly practise these age appropriate KIRFS at home, to supplement the work that is carried out in class.

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