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Sports Day 2024

Today the children took part in the annual Sports Day, luckily after a little bit of rain,  the weather held for us and the children had a great time taking part in individual and team events, well done tot the Red team.

Den Day 2024

On Tuesday the children had a wonderful day den building in the school field, they made some amazing dens and when a bucket of water was thrown over them, the children inside stayed dry. Well done to everyone for the brilliant team work 

Worlds Downs Day - 21st March 2024

On Thursday all the children and staff wore their brighest, most colourful odd socks for Worlds Downs Day, the children had an assembly to help them understand that we are all different and special in our own way and watch a film about Down Syndrome,  Class 1 also coloured socks in different colours.

World Book Day 2024

The children celebrated World Book Day 2024 by wearing their pyjamas and making wooden poon characters from their favourite books, we have had some amazing spoons brought into school as you can see from the display outside Class 2 - thank you to all the children and to you parents for heping with their creations.  

How Many Jelly Beans?

On Monday the children did a day of Maths based on the book "How Many Jelly Beans?". They explored all types of maths from addition, subtraction, counting, sorting as well as making shapes with the Jelly Beans and spaghetti.

Santa's Visit 2023

On Tuesday 19th December, Admiral Long School had a surprise visitor. Santa made space in his busy calendar to come and see the children. He spoke with each class and read them "T'was the night before Christmas" story , explained how he got into their houses with his magic key to leave their presents under the tree and then he gave them each an extra present for being on his good list. He then had time to have a play outside with Classes 1 & 2. Just before he left the children sang Jingle Bells to him. Sadly he had to leave, but the children had a magical time seeing him.

Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day

On Thursday 21st December the children wore their Christmas jumpers and had their Christmas Lunch. The teachers took a turn at serving the children and Debbie, who serves the children their lunch every day. We were joined by Mrs Ellis along with Mrs Connor, our Chair of Governors and Mr Reeves, Our Vice Chair. The children wore party hats and pulled crackers and listened to Christmas music whilst eating their lunch.

Christmas Party Day

Friday saw the children getting together to have a Christmas party in the hall, there were lots of the usual party games including their favourites of Corners, Musical Chairs and Musical Statues.

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