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SEND information

SENDCo  – Mrs Dawn Johnson

Contact: alsenco@gsfederation.com

Provision for All Learners:

At Admiral Long Primary School, we take a whole school approach to inclusion. 

We care about the development of the whole child. We know that when children feel safe and secure, they are able to learn and flourish in their environment.

We have high expectations for all children. We believe that there is a way to help every child achieve more. We recognise that some children may need additional provision to support their individual learning needs. 

In collaboration with parents and carers, and with the support of external agencies, we aim for all children to make good progress from their starting points.

Curriculum for children with SEND:

Our curriculum meets the needs of all pupils, taking into account their diverse experiences including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Where necessary, the curriculum is made more accessible through using the following methods:

  • pre-teaching
  • scaffolding
  • use of additional vocabulary
  • visual supports, and;
  •  breaking down learning activities. 

Teachers are aware that some pupils are more vulnerable to exploitation, bullying and other issues due to the nature of their SEND.  We continually seek pupils' views (Pupil Voice) so that the teaching can be made relevant to their real lives and assessed and adapted as their needs change.

Who should I contact if I have a concern with my child’s SEND provision?

Please discuss any concerns you have with us. We will always work hard to make sure we provide the best possible care and education for your child. 

A meeting can be arranged with either the SENDCo, the Assistant Headteacher or the Headteacher. 


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