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E- Safety advice for parents and carers


In this current climate of fast developing technology, smart phones, apps, tablets and online games consoles etc. It can be very challenging to keep up to date with your child’s online activity and feel confident that you are supporting and protecting them properly.

In school the children learn about E-Safety as part of our PSHCE and Computing curriculum. We also celebrate 'Safer Internet Day' each year with whole school and class activities.

The aim of this page is to give you access to advice and resources to help you at home.

What can I do to keep my child safe online?

Worried about your child?

Use this link to CEOP to enable you to report to the police if someone has done something online that has made you or your child feel worried or unsafe. 

DB Primary

We use DB Primary as our learning platform and we ask all new starters to the school to sign a user agreement to help everyone stay safe. This is a secure learning envionrment with educational games and activities for the children to use. There is a messaging function through DB Primary which is monitored through a flagged word system by staff in school. The 'yellow whistle' is always available for children to press if they see or hear anything that upsets them while they are using the platform which alerts a member of staff.

DB Parents Letter
DB Home/School Agreement

DB Parents Leaflet

E-Safety Policy

Our school E-Safety policy can be found in the 'Information' section of this website on the 'Policies' page here.

If you would like to discuss any issues surrounding your child’s safety online then please feel free to speak to your child’s teacher 

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