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Carlton Residential 2024


Awards Night! This lot have blown us away this week - they have been such a resilient and positive bunch every single day! We’ve had a great week away with them all, seeing them achieve their goals!


We set our Cubs and Scouts in the group a challenge to lead us through a traditional camp fire song on awards night; this is what they chose! Well done!

When I was2, I lost a shoe, that’s the life for me, I climbed  aboard a pirate ship &the captain said to me, going this way, that way over the irish sea, a bottle of rum to warm my tum and thats the life for me!

The Carlton Lodge 2024 Quiz went to a tie break situation…Team names were:





The tie breaker awarded 4,3,2 or 1 points for the height of Everest to the nearest m!

The end of a mega-busy day! Goodnight everyone!


Every day is more and more jame packed - we appreciated your patience in waiting for pictures. The children are having a fantastic time and are showing such confidence and determination. Today is Miss Thompson's birthday , Canoeing,  Raft Building and High Ropes!


It's been a VERY busy day today! Another offsite day, hanging out all clothes in the drying room, followed by tea, egg challenge, showers, room inspection and bed! That is no mean feat for 42 children! They have been amazing as always

Problem solving Egg challeng was tricky - any 5 items from a selection of 15 to use in a design to PROTECT the egg when falling from a great height!!!

EGGcellent work all round - all protected bar one that had a hairline crack!


It's looking like another LONG day of activities has wiped out or little lovlies! They have done so much today. All settled down, quiet and lighs out in record time once again. It really is a pleasure in seeing the children achieve so much!


The sun is shining at Carlton Lodge. Everyone is happy and laughing with their friends. All those early morning nerves have gone! 

The children have battled bedroom organisation and making their bed, eaten lunch and are now doing activities. Some are doing Orienteering and Archery; others have started with Bushcraft and Problem solving. Every child will do every activity during the course of the week. 

The hardest challenge so far - getting everyone looking in one direction and smiling at the same time at lunch time! 

Let's hope it stays dry for the night walk! 

The children really enjoyed the night walk and the weather was just right - some very tired children went to bed happy

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